Lord Robin Russell


Robin Russell is a Trustee of various charities, company director and dedicated conservationist.

We asked Robin...

  • Which is your favourite Royal Park? Hyde Park because I grew up very close to there and have so many wonderful memories ... now I walk through whenever I have time between meetings and the Park helps me re-tune and re-focus and I emerge refreshed!
  • What do the Royal Parks mean to you? Space to relax and to breathe ... deeply
  • If you were a tree, what would you be? An Oak because in this fast-paced world they show us that not everything can be 'fast-tracked' and that from small acorns mighty oaks can grow!
  • Favourite quote or saying? “Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world” (John Muir) 
  • What are your hobbies? Many - but not to be repeated!
  • What inspires you as a charity Trustee? Working with such an inspiring group of people ... the RPF team and the Trustees