Inspire your secondary students

The Inside Outside Secondary Science Programme aims to help raise achievement in science through outdoor and practical learning experiences.

Bring your class on a visit to the Isis Education Centre, Hyde Park for either a half or full day of guided scientific study. We’ll inspire your students with outdoor learning from a range of wild habitats including aquatic ecosystems, urban meadows and park landscapes.

With dedicated teaching spaces, field studies equipment, digital technology and expert staff we’ll help your students to develop both practical fieldwork skills and learn how to gather real field data for use in coursework and scientific reports.

We offer a personal booking service and pre-visit planning, so enquire about a visit today and give your pupils the edge.

Information about the sessions

  • Sessions cost £82.50 + VAT for a half day and £155 + VAT for a full day
  • Bursaries to cover the cost of a session are available - contact us for more details 
  • Sessions run from 10am-12pm, 1pm-3pm or can be combined to offer a full day
  • Teaching occurs all year round, however certain sessions are better suited to specific seasons. Please ask about this at the time of booking
  • We can accommodate a maximum of 30 students per class