Supporting Statues

As the charity for the Royal Parks, we help protect the past, present and future heritage of the Parks and their rare and special assets.

There are more than 280 historic statues and monuments in the Royal Parks, from celebrated sculptures like Peter Pan and Achilles, to the imposing General Wolfe who surveys the glorious Greenwich panorama, with caped cloak, tricorn hat and bronze telescope in hand.

There are lots of hidden gems in the Parks too, like Bushy Park’s Nishga carved totem pole and The Goatherd’s Daughter in Regent’s Park

We believe there are enough statues for everyone to enjoy – our commitment now is to care for them with an annual programme of conservation and cleaning.

Whatever donation you can give will help us suport the heritage of the Royal Parks, now and in the future.

You can also help us treasure the Royal Parks’ historic monuments by makinLittle Nell statueg a significant gift towards their specialist care, whether it be seasonal cleaning and waxing or more major restoration work.

Thanks to a regular donation from a local family, Little Nell and her surrounding garden are well supported in Hyde Park. If you would like to make a significant gift to help care for the statues please contact Jessica or Sara at [email protected].

Thank you.